Last Updated: March 2025 Are you looking for API TES (Tank Entry Supervisor) classes in the UAE? Here is a table of API TES (Tank Entry Supervisor) courses in the UAE with the duration and cost of the course: Institute Name City Course Name Duration Course Fee Golden Masters for Training & Consultancy Dubai API TES 2015/2016: Tank Entry Supervisor Certification Program (API Exam Preparation) Traini 5 Days 17,000 AED Mesk Management Sciences Institute Abu Dhabi API 653: Tank Inspection Code - - Promise Training & Consultancy FZE Dubai Storage Tanks & Tank Farms (Design, Sizing and Calculations) 5 Days 12,855 AED Haward Technology Abu Dhabi API TES 2015/2016: Tank Entry Supervisor Certification Program 5 Days 27,546 AED Xceed Academy Fujairah Tank Entry Supervisor API Exam Preparatory Course - - Integrated Feasibility Consultants & Studies (IFM) L.L.C. Dubai API118 - API TES 2015/2016: Tank Entry Supervisor Certification Program 5 Days 14,324 AED The course fee for API TES (Tank Entry Supervisor) classes in the UAE ranges from 12,855 AED for a 5-day Storage Tanks & Tank Farms (Design, Sizing and Calculations) course, up to 27,546 AED for a 5-day API TES 2015/2016: Tank Entry Supervisor Certification Program.
'Tank Inspection Code: Inspection, Repair, Alteration & Reconstruction of Steel Aboveground Storage Tanks Used in the Petrochemical Industry (API Exam Preparation Training)' training is offered by Mesk Management Sciences Institute.
'ASME B31 Piping & Pipeline Design, Construction, Inspection, Pigging, Maintenance, Repair & Integrity Assessment (ASME B31, API 570 & API 579 Standards)' training is offered by Mesk Management Sciences Institute. Kindly contact us to inquir
'Pipeline Pigging, In-Line Inspection & Integrity Assessment: Practical & Operational Aspects (API 1163)' training is offered by Mesk Management Sciences Institute. Kindly contact us to inquire and find out about the schedule and complete ou
This is a comprehensive 5-days training course to learn and understand Storage Tanks & Tank Farms. It discusses and focuses on Design, Sizing and Calculations. The course is led by an expert and qualified instructor.
This course of enlightens the participants to critically analyze tank entry practices and compliance to regulatory requirements, ensuring safety for all stake holders while preparing, cleaning and carrying out repairs of storage tanks.
Storage Tank construction, inspection & maintenance is a course designed to offer the participants an insight of how a tank farm storage tanks are designed, constructed, operated, inspected and maintained.
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