Need help in your search?

Step 1: Click Here to go to the Forgot Password page.

Step 2: Enter the registered email address that you used to sign up on

Step 3: Check your Email. You will receive an email with a special link that you can click to set a new password for your account on Coursetakers.

Step 4: Now go to the Login page and Login using your email with your new password.


Note: If you do not receive an email, make sure to check the SPAM folder of your email account.

If you forgot your email address that you used to sign up on Coursetakers, contact us and we will help you out.

If you are not able to find a particular lead, you can use the filters to find the leads. By default, when you go to Leads Management, it displays all the leads that came in the last 365 days and it shows the "Most Recent" leads first. You can use the Sort function to list all the Unread leads First as well by selecting Sort By: Unread First.


Once you open an old Unread lead, and if you happen to refresh the page, that lead wont be displayed on the first page of Leads Management since your page will either be sorted by MOST RECENT or UNREAD FIRST on the first page of Leads Management.


You can use the Date Range filter to find that lead by selecting that particular date, entire month, or even a years.


Note: All Unread leads have a light red background.


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