A fully loaded SHRM exam prep experience including virtual and interactive classes, guided by certified expert instructors.
Discover the ultimate SHRM-CP & SHRM-SCP exam preparation experience with Morgan International, a proud partner of SHRM. Our comprehensive SHRM program offers unparalleled flexibility and resources to ensure your success. Here's what sets us apart:
Flexible Learning Options
Key Features
​Additional Benefits for UAE Candidates
Don't let financing become an obstacle on your path to success. Join us and unlock your potential with a SHRM certification.
Package prices starting from AED 4,011.
Morgan International is a leading organization that offers a range of life & career-changing solutions for businesses and individuals in today's competitive market. Since its inception in 1995, it has spread to different regions across the globe through its 28 offices worldwide.
Why Select Morgan International:
HR now has a strategic role and proactive approach. The new role of HR is centered around employee engagement, talent management, and organizational development, which are all critical aspects of a company's success.
Learn about the latest HR roles in this comprehensive workshop where the four-headed role of a traditional HR manager 'administrative expert, employee champion, strategic partner and change enabler' will be explained.
This course will teach you Employee Training and Development processes in a broader context by touching on different best practices, administer policies and tested procedures for giving effective training.
'HR Expert' training is offered by AJ Financial Consultants. It covers all the essential aspects of being an HR manager and undergoing the different responsibilities entailed with the HR department. You will learn from expert instructors in
This is a 5-days course on Interviewing, Selection & Recruitment Skills. It will discuss in great depth all the associated processes involved in the recruitment process from interviewing to selection. The program is led by an expert and qual
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