The problem of reliability allocation and optimization of Rotating Equipment has been widely investigated by world-class process companies during the last decade. Instead of concentrating exclusively on redundancy allocation as per the old fashion maintenance, the minimum required reliability for each component of the equipment are now estimated in order to achieve the equipment reliability goal with minimum cost.
Thereafter, the engineer can decide whether this minimum required component reliability will be achieved via fault avoidance or redundancy. This new philosophy allocates reliability to a component according to the cost of increasing its reliability.
Continuous improvement of plant reliability by optimizing predictive maintenance for rotating equipment is one of the most important challenges plants face today. To know how to effectively prevent equipment failures, conduct a successful root cause failure analysis and improve condition monitoring for pumps, turbines and compressors are continuing challenges for engineers. Proper analysis and solving of chronic problems at the source saves time and money.
This course is designed to explain the effective method of component condition monitoring for use as both a predictive maintenance and root cause analysis tool. It also details the major failure causes, the world-class proven root cause analysis procedure with exercises and case histories, installation, pre-commissioning planning, functional testing and commissioning, preventive maintenance strategies and more.
The course will concentrate on the problems and solutions surrounding equipment failures, diagnostics and effective methods to prevent them. This results in more efficient plant maintenance, increased operational efficiency, lower operating costs and improved plant availability. Upon the successful completion of the course, participants will be able to:-
- Recognize the concept of organizing for world class operations particularly the characteristics and steps used toward pacesetter performance
- Explain equipment failure patterns by distinguishing repairable from non-repairable equipment, identifying the types of equipment failure, reviewing why equipment fails and employing actions to minimize failure effect
- Develop in-depth understanding on the maintenance affect on reliability and recognize how maintenance influences equipment performance
- Heighten awareness and understanding on root cause failure analysis (RCFA) including the various types and approaches used in rotating equipments
- List down and describe the step by step process of root cause failure analysis (RCFA)
- Know the principle of predictive maintenance and be able to employ the various predictive maintenance techniques and strategies used in rotating equipments
- Identify the various types and components of conditioning monitoring techniques and recognize their importance in rotating equipment reliability optimization and continuous improvement
- Understand the concept of optimizing reliability particularly conditioning monitoring and predictive maintenance and be able to identify its components and importance
Course Certificate:
Masters certificate will be issued to all attendees completing minimum of 75% of the total tuition hours of the course.