Arduino kit allows you to start programming your electronics devices to make them automated. The kit includes all loose components allowing the kid to easily expand the kit based on his/her ideology and creativity.
Arduino kit allows you to start programming your electronics devices to make them automated. The kit includes all loose components allowing the kid to easily expand the kit based on his/her ideology and creativity.
Learning Outcomes:
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In 2019, Unique World Education was established as a segment of Unique World Group offering various preparatory and specialized courses.
(Institute Review)
55 years ago(Institute Review)
55 years agoThis program will give the students key knowledge of electronics and programming in order to build a digital system and learn to control them with the help of Arduino micro-controllers.
The course includes using Arduino micro-controllers to teach the kids about combining electronics and programming for making a digital system and control.
Here, the course combines the knowledge of electronics and programming to make small projects like LEDs, Ulta Sonic Sensor, Buzzer, Display etc.
This course is designed to help the students build various projects that involve circuits. It will assist the students in understanding electrical and electronic engineering.
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