Neoversity has partnered with Forward Thinking Tutors to provide individual tuition for students of all ages covering all curriculums.
Neoversity has partnered with Forward Thinking Tutors to provide individual tuition for students of all ages covering all curriculums.
Notable Points:
Neoversity is a one-stop destination for educational journeys for the children to acquire the skills required for a brighter future.
Neoversity helps children to explore their passions whether it's engineering, science, arts, technology, maths, etc.
By nurturing critical thinking, collaboration, creativity and communication skills in the children's mind today, Neoversity focuses on letting the kids realize their true potential tomorrow.
Notable Points:
These sessions focus on teaching you about Algebra. It covers a wide array of topics assisted by many assignment and homework tasks to make the learning and practice process more in-depth.
These sessions focus on teaching you about Factors and Multiples. It covers a wide array of topics assisted by many assignment and homework tasks to make the learning and practice process more in-depth.
In this course, you will be introduced to various components and aspects of Limits and Derivatives. It covers a wide array of topics assisted by many assignment and homework tasks to make the learning and practice process more in-depth.
This course is a customized/personalized advance program that provides face to face Preparation Module for the students of UAE (as per the grade as per the curriculum). This package includes comprehensive past papers, customized learning, do
Our course outline is separately designed for each grade. This course is designed for students of all grades.
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