This is a carefully designed Drama & Musical theatre program that focuses on voice, dancing and acting to prepare your promising young performers with the skills and ability to become professional stage artists.
This is a carefully designed Drama & Musical theatre program that focuses on voice, dancing and acting to prepare your promising young performers with the skills and ability to become professional stage artists.
Musical Theatre:
1. Dance choreography - Exploring the importance of movement in storytelling and students work on proper dance techniques
2. Vocal coaching - Learning to interpret acting and text through singing. Focuses on techniques to control emotion and tone, correct breathing techniques while supporting the voice.
Drama training:
The students will learn about diction, projection, story building, improvisation, taking direction, memorization, focus and character building. The students will learn these skills by indulging in different theatre games, scripts to take home, scene work and exercises.
For Drama training, LAMDA syllabus is followed. Preparation for the LAMDA exams will also be offered to the students.
Ds2dio Performing Arts is a Dubai-based company offering training that focuses on skill and character development in different fields of performing arts. It offers a comprehensive curriculum with an emphasis on proper techniques and execution.
Top Features:
- Community-inspired environment
- Focus on both social skills and artistic expression ability
- Child-friendly learning environment
These sessions will provide the young students with a stage to perform so you can learn, communicate and explore creative ideas, feelings and thoughts in a diversity of dramatic languages.
These sessions provide the students with a spotlight where they can shine and further delve into the drama skills. The students will acquire the necessary acting techniques to grow as a performer.
These sessions provide the students with a spotlight where they can shine and further delve into the drama skills. The students will acquire the necessary acting techniques to grow as a performer.
12 Weeks Certified Acting Program for Beginners in Acting
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