This is a practical training that is offered in association with the Centre for Advanced Medical Education, Training and Cancer Prevention UK. It includes real-life case discussions and hands-on training.
This is a practical training that is offered in association with the Centre for Advanced Medical Education, Training and Cancer Prevention UK. It includes real-life case discussions and hands-on training.
You will learn about patient loop cone and needle cone (netz/swetz) for advanced cases on state of the art simulators with Mr. Khan the leading ambulatory gynecologist from London.
Approved By:
- British Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology (BSCCP)
- CME Hours Offered
- CME registered with The Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists.
- The Normal Cervix and changes through Age
- Basics of Cervical Cytology
- Basics of Cervical Pathology
- Biology of HPV
- Role of HPV in CIN
- Basics Principles of Colposcopy
- Colposcopy of abnormal cervix
- Reid Score – Swede Score – IFCPC Classification
- Colposcopy in Difficult conditions (Pregnancy – Menopause – HIV)
- VAIN, VIN and AIN: Classification, Diagnosis and Management
- How to manage High grade smear
- How to manage Low grade smear
- How to set up your Colposcopy Clinic
- CGIN and Micro-inavasive Cancer: Colposcopy and Management
- Why, When and How to Treat CIN?
- Complications and management of Complications
- VDO on treatment/complication Management
- Needle Cone (Only course where we teach this technique)
- Self sampling HPV test : New techniques
- HPV vaccine : Basic and recent updates
- CIN2 : to treat or Not to treat
- Microinvasion or early invasive CIN : Is Cone biopsy Safe?
- Use of Bio Makers in the management of CIN
- Multifocal Lower Genital tract disese
- How to manage vulval symptoms
- Interactive Case Disscussions (Real life cases)
AECS provides top-notch medical training programs with CME hours led by qualified and experienced international faculty with hands-on training.
All programs are certified by leading regulatory organizations in the healthcare sector delivered exclusively by experienced healthcare professionals.
Team Values:
(Institute Review)
55 years ago(Institute Review)
55 years agoThis certification validates the holder's expertise in drawing blood and handling specimens
This Medical Transcription course by Knowledge Point Institute will pave your way for a promising career as a Medical Transcription professional.
You will learn about various sections and understand the guidelines about locating information in the CPT and ICD-10 books mostly for completing billing or patient records.
Certified Professional Coder training course opens a career path for people who are passionate to work in the healthcare industry but don’t want to work in an inpatient setting, then this is the medical profession that one must choose.
The course is aimed at Gynaecologists (Consultants and Senior Trainees) with interest in Endoscopy (Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy)
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