Key Performance Indicators are a set of quantifiable measures that a company or industry uses to gauge or compare performance in terms of meeting their strategic and operational goals. KPIs vary between companies and industries, depending on
Masters Training Company was established in response to the growing need for quality training to support the business community within your Company, Department or Organization by providing a high standard of Training Programs, Courses, Seminars, Workshops and Consultancy Services to employees in a very competitive business environment.
Masters is also an approved vendor from KHDA & ILM
HR now has a strategic role and proactive approach. The new role of HR is centered around employee engagement, talent management, and organizational development, which are all critical aspects of a company's success.
This training will teach you about facilitating the transformation of people's strategies and their alignment with the overall goal of the business. Through this interactive and hands-on learning experience, you will be equipped with the too
This program will address the best of current practice in the main areas of responsibility of the HR or Personnel function. This will include such issues as recruitment and selection, retention, disciplinary and grievance issues, performance
This is a Competency Mapping course aimed at teaching the participants all you need to know and learn about Competency Mapping. It is a detailed training which takes into account all aspects of Competency Mapping and it is led by an expert a
This course will teach you how to re-imagine change by redefining the 'change problem'. You will be able to develop a balanced and reflective change mindset.
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