These are FRM (USA) exam preparation classes backed by comprehensive practice and learning materials. You will be supervised and instructed by qualified instructors.
These are FRM (USA) exam preparation classes backed by comprehensive practice and learning materials. You will be supervised and instructed by qualified instructors.
Part I
- Foundations of Risk Management
- Quantitative Analysis
- Financial Markets and Products
- Valuation and Risk Models
Part II
- Market Risk Measurement and Management
- Credit Risk Measurement and Management
- Operational and Integrated Risk Management
- Risk Management and Investment Management
- Current Issues in Financial Markets
4 Hours
Why Choose Berkeley Middle East Training:
- Innovative learning techniques are utilized
- Qualified Instructors
- Both In-class and online support available
- Comprehensive learning and practice sessions
Our FRM preparation course is exam focused and it is planned according to the FRM exam. This is a preparatory course for part 1 of FRM exam. We focus on all aspects of this comprehensive exam.
This is a comprehensive FRM part 1 revision course. This course offers hours of review sessions with solving exam-style question for better practice and understanding.
This is a comprehensive FRM course. It focuses on all aspects of FRM exam. This course offers hours of classroom training, with revision practice and exam-style mock tests.
The FRM is the benchmark for educational excellence in risk management and a springboard to new career heights in the risk profession.
This training will teach you to use the latest techniques for financial risk management. You will learn about measurement techniques for various financial risks and instruments & more.
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