Improve your French language with these lessons by Amarmirgh Education Services. You can begin as a complete beginner as well as from an academic perspective.
Improve your French language with these lessons by Amarmirgh Education Services. You can begin as a complete beginner as well as from an academic perspective.
Learning Outcomes:
Amarmirgh Education Services is a Sister-company of 'Safal Teachers Training' hailing from India. It began operations in 2008 by stepping into the field of building society by producing competent teachers to mold children to the future responsible citizens.
This is a group course conducted on weekends to learn French language. It focuses on all modules of the language,i.e. writing, reading, listening and speaking. It is an interactive course which is internationally accredited and taught by a n
This module offers French language class covering basics to advanced level skills. You will also receive study material after completing this training successfully.
French Language Classes at Dreamland Embark on a Romantic Linguistic Journey in Abu Dhabi Dreamland’s French language courses invite you on a unique journey through France’s rich linguistic tapestry. From the Eiffel Tower’s charm to the Rivi
This is a group course for kids between 10-12 years old to learn French language. It focuses on all modules of the language,i.e. writing, reading, listening and speaking. It is an interactive course which is internationally accredited and ta
This is a high-quality French language learning program conducted through the Inlingua academy by Inlingua experts. The learning materials are specifically designed to fit the learning needs for both individual and small group sessions.
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