It will teach you about the initiation process of active Shariah audit and regulatory body in the Islamic Financial Institutions. It also includes a practical workshop which explains the working plan of Sharia audit and discuss how it achiev
(Institute Review)
55 years ago(Institute Review)
55 years agoIslamic banking is a financial system that is based on Islamic law, or Shariah. Shariah prohibits the charging or receiving of interest, as well as investments in businesses that are considered to be haram, or forbidden.
Learn about all the concepts, techniques, and instruments used in Islamic banking. This workshop will lay a strong foundation of Islamic banking knowledge for you.
This program introduces participants to the legal aspects of commercial paper used in bank’s day-to-day transactions. The course will focus on the practical side of negotiable instruments as well as the legal procedures in case of dishonor o
These are CDIF in Islamic Finance preparation classes backed by comprehensive practice and learning materials. You will be supervised and instructed by qualified instructors. It gives you the technical skills and understanding of Islamic Fin
You will learn about an Overview of Islamic Finance Principles- Riba, Gharar, Jahalah, Murabaha contract, Musharaka contract, Ijarah contract and much more.
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