This is an individual (one-to-one based) course. It is a certified course and it offers a certificate at the end. It is a highly interactive program and it is conducted by highly qualified and experienced instructors. You will learn about di
(Institute Review)
55 years ago(Institute Review)
55 years agoIslamic banking is a financial system that is based on Islamic law, or Shariah. Shariah prohibits the charging or receiving of interest, as well as investments in businesses that are considered to be haram, or forbidden.
It will teach you about the initiation process of active Shariah audit and regulatory body in the Islamic Financial Institutions. It also includes a practical workshop which explains the working plan of Sharia audit and discuss how it achiev
These are one-to-one individual classes. It is designed to give the participants an in-depth introduction and explanation on Shariah audit body its position and scope pertinent to the organizational structure within the Islamic Financial Ins
This is a certified course and it offers a certificate at the end. It is a highly interactive course and it is conducted by highly qualified and experienced instructors. You will learn about different underlying principles and structures of
It is a certified course where a certificate will be received at the end. It is taught by experienced and qualified instructors and you will be introduced to the world of Sukuk in great depth. You will learn about different types of Sukuk in
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