Learn how to work with Adobe Illustrator to create vector images. You will learn how to develop vector graphics which has many uses like company logos, personal work or commercial promotional work in both digital and print form.
Learn how to work with Adobe Illustrator to create vector images. You will learn how to develop vector graphics which has many uses like company logos, personal work or commercial promotional work in both digital and print form.
- Qualified Instructors
- Comprehensive Learning
- Flexible Outline
FilBrit Training Center was established in 2016 and it is fully licenced by KHDA (Knowledge and Human Development Authority) and the DED (Department of Economic Development) in partnerships with the British Council, Highfield International, TLP, TESDA and (shortly with City & Guilds ). It provides educational support services to both the kids and the adults so they can be empowered to achieve better in the future.
Top Points:
- Outstanding trainers
- Continuous teachers support
- Professional and Management Development Training services
Other Areas Covered:
- Language Training
- Education Support Services
- Fine Arts Training
- Child Skills Development Training
- Technical and Occupational Skills Training
(Institute Review)
55 years ago(Institute Review)
55 years agoMinistry Attested or Institute certificate will be provided. Topics to be discussed include Color Basics, Layer Basics, Working with Selection and so much more.
Adobe® Illustrator® is the industry-standard illustration application for print, multimedia, and online graphics.
This is an intensive training designed to give the students extensive knowledge of working with Adobe Illustrator for multimedia, print and online graphics. This application offers you the tools to produce multimedia graphics or create onlin
Participants will receive KHDA-approved certificate at the end of the course. Our Adobe Illustrator classes are task-based and focus on real-world uses and challenges individuals face in their day-to-day work environments.
This is an interesting course to learn Adobe Illustrator features and various functions. It offers an introduction to essential tools to operate on Adobe Illustrator. You will get the required skills of creating, editing and styling a wide r
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