Susanne Schutz’s course is based on the teachings of Master Joey Yap and his modern and practical approach to this classical science. Within the curriculum she teaches the following main aspects of Classical Feng Shui
The Experience
Classical Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese science that studies how Qi (cosmic energies) can be harnessed to benefit our internal and external environments in order to reach and obtain our goals in life. Qi is intangible, yet its effects permeate virtually every aspect of our lives. Knowing how to tap into positive Qi to enhance your life’s potential is a very powerful and safe way to transform your life.
This curriculum not only empowers individuals to obtain a professional qualification as a classically trained Feng Shui Master, but also provides a wonderful platform for personal growth and self development for the individual undergoing the training.
Susanne Schutz’s course is based on the teachings of Master Joey Yap and his modern and practical approach to this classical science. Within the curriculum she teaches the following main aspects of Classical Feng Shui
• San He School - Landform Analysis
• San Yuan School – Formula Approach
• Xuan Kong Flying Stars & Ba Zhai Eight Mansions
• How to use Chinese Luo Pan (Feng Shui Compass)
Remedy Existing Problems: Negative Feng Shui within a property, be it a residential or a commercial property, can lead to the accumulation of negative Qi, causing an imbalance of life energy that gradually fills our environment with stress and overall negativity.
A Classical Feng Shui practitioner can detect the areas in your home or office that are impacted by these negative Qi flows and make recommendations to either minimize or neutralize the negative outcomes of this bad Feng Shui. In some cases, negative Qi flows can even be reversed and turned into positive energy to benefit your life and work goals.
Enhancing Life Circumstances: Through the evaluation of your property, a Classical Feng Shui practitioner can gauge the inherent Feng Shui potential of the property and detect whether it is prone to prosperity, wealth, harmony, or whether it is more likely to generate negative outcomes – such as sickness, legal problems, career issues, divorce, etc.
With the use of this knowledge, the Feng Shui consultant can help clients enhance and strengthen the positive aspects of the property in order to ensure good fortune and focus positive energies on specific outcomes, while at the same time offsetting potential negative outcomes.
Forecasting: A highly trained Classical Feng Shui practitioner is able to forecast future possibilities that lie within the Feng Shui setup of a property. By means of careful examination and calculation of the external and internal Qi flows, as well as the governing stars of the property, a practitioner can predict the forces that impact which resident(s) of a property – and how. Predictions are usually made for a month or a year and will help the individuals to prepare for upcoming situations and take decisions accordingly.
Attendees need to bring with them a notebook, colored pens, floor plan of their residence if possible.
SEVA Experience is the result of deep reflection on the way we wish to serve you, our community, the region, and the world at large. It is about moving from the individual to the collective. From the old paradigm to the new. From the Piscean to the Aquarian.
SEVA Experience is about knowing that what you do matters on this planet — and that service to others can come in many unique forms. Each one of us can boldly step into the responsibility of uplifting others and sharing our abundance with the world. It is our birthright to do so.
SEVA Experience is about acknowledging that the destination is never the goal, and never has been: it is the journey, and it always has been. You are the journey.
SEVA Experience is a multifaceted manifestation of a space that expresses, guides, and allows for the natural movement of life in harmony with the Universe. The space provides a sanctuary for the conscious traveler. It offers learning opportunities for people who want to restore balance in their life experiences. SEVA Experience is a safe place for the ones conscious of real living to explore possibilities of remembering our origins and contribute to continuing our race by becoming aware of the ancestors we are to become for future generations to come.
Today SEVA Experience offers the following:
SEVA Table: the first fully plant-based, gluten and cane sugar-free, and GMO-free cafe in the Middle East since 2014.
SEVA Experience Wellness: a Yoga & Meditation studio that invites the community to integrate these practices into their daily city lives, and a wellness facility that offers workshops and private sessions spanning emotional and physical bodywork, family & relationships therapy, energetic treatments, and astrology readings, as well as an array of treatments and sessions offered by facilitators who carry the wisdom and teachings with responsibility from different cultures and parts of the world to offer these possibilities to those who feel the resonance and hear the calling.
SEVA Stories: ethical concept store inspired by and for living in harmony with Mother Earth and Present Moment.
Behind the name
SEVA is a Sanskrit word with an interpretation as the act of selfless service for the betterment of the community. However, it does not imply “giving without returns or expectations” rather it is a sacred and ancient virtue deeply rooted in what we buy into in the everyday choices that we make. It is a multidimensional practice and expansion of perspective that by serving the other you serve yourself, and that by getting your small self out of the expression of your higher self you advance toward a cosmic Oneness of being.
Changing the conversation around “healing”
We’ve noticed (and have also taken part in) the dialogue around “healing”. This is a very popular buzzword in the wellness industry at large, and we wish to shift this conversation through SEVA Experience. You see, the nature of the word “healing” automatically implies that there is something that needs to be “fixed” because it is “broken”. It implies that there is a particular destination or end goal that must exist for the “healing” to take place.
The current, most common paradigm around healing indirectly encourages us to only look outside of ourselves for a “solution” to this problem we have: Medicine, a healer, a shaman, a teacher, or a doctor. At SEVA Experience we know deep in our souls this perspective can limit our capacity for expansion and take power away from our agency as human beings. Of course, the nature of personal growth and working on yourself can change your experience dramatically, but there is nothing in you that is “broken”. You are already whole.
The “healing” that takes place is simply your journey on this planet — a winding path that leads you to the people, places, and situations that are here to help you learn, expand and elevate your experience in this life. We trust that SEVA Experience can be a place for you to do just that. We’re here to be a facilitator of your journey, your creative highest destiny, and your mission on Earth.
Who We Are
SEVA Experience is owned by Shadi Enbashi and Eda Güngör and is the successor of Life’n One which was founded by Eda in 2014 after following signs from the Universe to move to Dubai and establish the center there from her hometown Istanbul without having any prior ties with the UAE. It was not an easy quest to run a fully plant-based cafe or talk about Family Constellation amongst other wellbeing modalities nearly 10 years ago in Dubai, yet the vision and guidance were superior to doubt.
In March 2020 SEVA Experience was officially launched as an upbranding, three days before the first COVID-19 pandemic lockdown in the city. It felt initially like crashing into the wall at 200 km/hr speed, the construction work had not been finished then. Thanks to the diversity of the business and the willingness of the whole team back then, and the generous understanding of partners and suppliers, the business survived the pandemic by bootstrapping and rose late that year to rapidly recover and grow, especially since it perfectly met what people were seeking after the lockdown.
Today SEVA Experience stands as multifaceted Wellness and Experience space that constantly brings services and products with the intention to uplift your daily experience, planting the seeds for the advancement and protection of our human race.
The Underlying Tone
SEVA Experience is more than a passion project for Eda and Shadi, it is a calling for real life. There is nothing that compares to witnessing a transformation in a person, and often the movement is a subtle stepping stone on a long path, yet when going beyond the small self, there is a responsibility we all carry that we often forget or be distracted from in the hustle and bustle of day to day life. SEVA Experience is intended to be an anchor and a lighthouse to remember and realign with what it is to be a human being living a real life.
Vision and Philosophy
All the Great Teachers of Mankind over the short life span of humanity meet at common values and believe that such values morph from one era to another resulting in conflicts and misinterpretation due to being lost in translations. The vision of SEVA Experience is to be a venue for learning what needs to be learned and unlearning what needs to be let go through first-hand experiences.
Inside every human are ancient codes for Universal truth, and with discernment, we can build on facts and feelings to sustain and advance our race. SEVA Experience intends with its offerings be it the scent of its air, the food served in its cafe, the ambiance of its lush garden, the products displayed in its shop, or the Wellness services and classes it offers, to weave in intimate ways into the fabric of life possibilities and opportunities of movements in harmony with the Universe.
There is no way to define the shape and the color of that experience since the witness and the observer play their grand roles in it, yet to orchestrate the platform some of the virtues and values below are always kept in the heart, mind, and intention of Shadi, Eda and the team as a whole:
Life is movement. It is not about good or bad, that’s judgment. Where there is no movement there is no life.
Today’s choices define what ancestors we become for future generations. We are here not just for ourselves. We are connected far more closely beyond space and time and it is essential to remember so always.
Emotions over thoughts. When we balance and harmonize our emotions, clean what we are able and ready to clean off the residue of conditioning, finish the unfinished business from the past, and all that doesn’t serve our higher expression in life, we grow into our true self and see with better clarity why we are here and what role is upon us to play. This goes on the path of claiming our personal power and stuck energies back.
At the baseline of every intention, prayer, and blessing we need to honor that we are here to advance, uplift, and protect the human race.
SEVA Experience Team
We grew from 7 people during the pandemic to nearly 40 full-time team members joining Shadi and Eda in the day-to-day operations. Attitude and personality over knowledge. Our team is the backbone of everything we offer and without them, it wouldn’t be possible. There is plenty of room for growth and refinement to offer higher standards and so our development is a constant work in progress.
In addition, we have our facilitators, teachers, and therapists whether resident or international who are handpicked as qualified and experienced heart-centered individuals to bring you the wellness services we offer.
Lastly, we have a truly incredible circle of associates, partners, and advisors who sustain our movement by offering the legal, financial, maintenance, and construction needs to ensure the stability of our business in service to our community.
Susanne Schutz is the Founder and Managing Director of Suzhong Consulting Limited, a Classical Feng Shui consulting firm. She is currently the only Hong Kong based foreign Feng Shui consultant.
Susanne has spent 21 years in Asia (China, India & the Philippines), where she worked as a business and management consultant for almost 16 years before deciding to follow her passion and making a drastic career change to become a Feng Shui consultant. She took a sabbatical to study with Grandmaster “Dato” Joey Yap in Kuala Lumpur and graduated with distinction from the Mastery Academy for Chinese Metaphysics with a degree in Classical Feng Shui.
She has since settled down in Hong Kong where she offers Feng Shui audits for residential and commercial projects. Susanne is passionate about bringing the true spirit of Feng Shui into a modern context, while also educating the expat communities in Hong Kong and other Southeast Asian countries about the background, history and core principles of Classical Feng Shui. She frequently presents to expat associations and clubs, and also conducts Feng Shui city and hiking tours in and around Hong Kong. Susanne operates in Hong Kong, Mainland China, SE Asia and UAE.
Susanne’s business background and her subsequent career change have made her very aware of the potential and hidden talents that lie in all of us, and have made her passionate about helping others to maximize their own life potential.
Become a Feng Shui Expert with our Professional Feng Shui Course.
This is a practical course to learn about the ancient principles of Feng Shui Interior Design. It will give you all the information you need to know. It will teach you about creating a harmonious and balanced environment by using the princip
Feng shui is an ancient art and science developed over 3,000 years ago in China. It is a complex body of knowledge that reveals how to balance the energies of any given space to assure health and good fortune for people inhabiting it.
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