ستقام الدورة في دبي بتاريخ7 مارس لمدة 10 ايام
إن كنتم ممن يهوون الأزياء وتصميمها, مركز AETC بانتظاركم
ندعوكم للتسجيل ضمن الشهادة التخصصية في تصميم_الأزياء بالكمبيوتر
باستخدام برنامج Illustrator والتي ستتعلمون من خلالها كل شيء يتعلق بالأزياء (رسم الملابس وتصميمها) ، تقنية رسم الشخصية، نظريات اللون إضافة إلى العديد من الطرق الأخرى والضرورية لترجمة إبداعاتك على أرض الواقع وخلق أسلوب خاص ومميز بك
**مدة التدريب: 10 أيام (خمسة أيام في الأسبوع من الأحد للخميس)
المكان: ضمن المركز
يبدأ التدريب في 7 مارس 2020 ولمدة 10 ايام
غير تفكيرك...غير حياتك مع مركز AETC
AETC (AUFUQ Al EBDAA Training Center) is a dedicated training institute working on equipping children & adults with the skills, knowledge and ethics in an inspiring and enjoyable environment.
AETC targets a rich domain of personal and professional development courses for the individuals and corporates which are accredited Council for Award in Care, Health and Education (CACHE) and Northern Council for Further Education (NCFE) Organizations in UK.
This course starts with the basics of stitching like a pearl, knitting, rib stitching etc. You will start off with making small items in the practice sessions like baby booties, hair bands, caps etc. In the latter stages, you will learn to w
You will be working with cotton embroidery for this workshop on a pre-stamped linen fabric. You will learn about most common stitches those are used for outlining and filling designs. You will also learn about the traditional crewel embroide
This is a very interesting course to learn about fashion designing. The total duration of this course is 12 weeks and it's a workshop that follows a comprehensive outline. You will learn how to create something new and express yourself by ma
This course will teach you to draw human figure by using diagrams, charts and different measurement. The class is led by following the classical method of coaching and drawing but it is equally as much effective today as it was in the past.
The course is an extended version of garment construction and it basically involves draping of fabric with hands onto the mannequin. You will also learn about padding mannequin, developing a draped base, designing details etc.
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